Elena of Avalor is a spin-off of the Disney Junior show Sofia the First. The show will debut July 22 on the Disney Channel. Elena of Avalor follows the story of Princess Elena and her kid sister Isabel. Princess Elena’s story began long ago when her parents and kingdom were taken away from her by the evil sorceress, Shuriki. Elena bravely faced the sorceress to protect her little sister and grandparents but in the process, her amulet pulls her inside its enchanted jewel. It saves her life but imprisons her at the same time. Decades later, Princess Sofia of Enchancia discovers the truth about the amulet she has worn since joining her royal family and sets out to restore Elena to her human form and help her return to the kingdom of Avalor.
The stories incorporate influences from a diverse range of Latin and Hispanic cultures through architecture, traditions, food and customs. Magic, mythology, folklore, and music like its sister show will also play an important role, with each episode featuring original songs spanning an array of Latin musical styles including Mariachi, Latin Pop, Salsa, Banda and Chilean Hip Hop. The series will be released globally in 33 different languages in 163 different countries and on different Disney Channels worldwide.
In the first episode of the series “First Day of Rule,” Elena officially becomes the crown princess and rescues her sister, Isabel, from Noblins, elf-like shapeshifting creatures based on a Chilean Peuchen myth. The episode also introduces Zuzo, Elena’s spirit guide in the animal world, based on the belief of a Mayan tribe in southern Mexico. In the second episode, titled “Model Sister,” Elena is torn between a promise she made to help Isabel and fulfilling her royal duties.
This fall, Disney Channel will air a special TV movie titled Elena and the Secret of Avalor, which explains how Elena was imprisoned for decades in her magical amulet and eventually set free by Princess Sofia of Enchancia. Promotions of the upcoming series include Disney Parks & Resorts, which will welcome Princess Elena at Walt Disney World Resort this summer and at Disneyland Resort in the fall; print and e-book titles from Disney Publishing; and dolls, role-play products, accessories, home décor and apparel from Disney Store and licensees including Hasbro, Jakks Pacific, Franco Manufacturing and Children’s Apparel Network. Products will begin selling later this month at Disney Stores and will continue to roll out at mass retailers throughout the summer. Walt Disney Records will release Elena’s anthem titled “My Time” as a digital single on iTunes Friday, June 24, followed by a seven-track EP featuring songs from the series on Friday, July 22, and Disney will release an episode compilation DVD later this year.
Since the show hasn’t yet aired, audiences have only be treated to clips and the early consensus is extremely positive. The new show looks spectacularly colorful and the Latin and Mesoamerican influences are quite striking and beautiful so it’s safe to assume that this show will be very promising to fans of Sofia the First.