Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde is a professional interior designer by trade that also happens to have a passion for TV and movies. He uses this passion, along with his professional training — and the occasional bit of help from fans on his Facebook page — to create accurate floor plans of the homes and apartments featured in popular movies and television shows from the past several decades.
These floor plans help provide some bearings on the living spaces of some of our favorite characters, so we can see exactly where in 742 Evergreen Terrace all of those couch gags are taking place in the opening to The Simpsons. They also give us a better idea of how they would go about their day. It is easy to imagine Sheldon and Leonard passing each other by in the hallway on the way to the bathroom or kitchen as part of their morning routine.
One thing that is frequently brought up about Monica’s apartment from Friends is how expensive it would be to live there. However, from the looks of the rest of these floor plans, several of our favorite characters are similarly well-off.
If you are interested in seeing more of Lizarrelde’s work, or just have to have one of these floorplans for your wall, they are available for purchase on his Etsy page.