A Pop Culture Hero Coalition “Rally to End Bullying” will be held on Thursday, July 21 during this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.
Celebrities and press will be talking about how to use pop culture to navigate harassment, both online and in real life (IRL). Panelists include Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley (Founders, NOH8 Campaign), Agent Carter Co-Executive Producer Jose Molina (Castle, Firefly), Janina Scarlet, Ph.D. (Author, Superhero Therapy, Little Brown & Co., 2016), United Nations Association President Bettina Hausmann, and Kate Langrall Folb (Director: USC Hollywood, Health & Society). Also attending will be award-winning author and Coalition Co-Founder Carrie Goldman (Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear; #WheresRey), Coalition Founder Chase Masterson (Star Trek, The Flash), Entertainment Weekly Senior Writer Anthony Breznican, Legion of Leia Founder Jenna Busch, and The Arkham Sessions’ Dr. Andrea Letamendi.
Pop Culture Hero uses TV, film, comics and games to help fight bullying, racism, misogyny, cyber-bullying, and LGBT-bullying.