QUIZ: Who Said It — Batman or an Angsty Poet?

Maggie Owens

Batman is the ultimate angsty superhero. He witnessed his parent’s death, wears all black, has little faith in humanity and hides out in a dark cave. He honestly puts the goth in Gotham.

Perhaps it’s time Bruce Wayne ditches Superman, Wonder Woman and the Justice League and joins grim poets like Sylvia Plath and Jack Kerouac to form the Poetic Justice League.

Don’t believe that the Dark Knight needs to lighten up? Take this quiz to find out just how similar Bruce Wayne is to some of the most famously angsty poets.

Find out who the most powerful Batman is on Power Levels.


Maggie Owens
By day, I'm a content analyst here at FANDOM. By night, I'm still on FANDOM, reading about whatever TV and movies I can.