Have you seen the latest viral video that’s taking the world by storm? The original Pen Pineapple Apple Pen video has over 3 million views on Youtube (at this writing), and new cover versions are popping up all over the place. Which ones should you watch? We know what you love, and we’ve done you a favor… We’ve picked out a handful of our favorite cover versions of PPAP with characters from your favorite movies, TV, comics, and games — everything from Star Wars to Pokémon. But be warned: You won’t be able to stop singing the PPAP song for the rest of the day!
Spider-Man PPAP Cover
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man is getting into the PPAP act with his own rendition. We’ve got a sneaking suspicion that’s not Peter Parker under that mask, but who knows? Maybe a pen and a pineapple can help Spider-man save the day!
Star Wars PPAP Cover
Everybody loves PPAP! Even Star Wars fans. And while Stormtroopers doing pretty much anything out of the ordinary can make you laugh, we absolutely love that this duo synchronized their dance to this song.
Pokémon PPAP Cover
Pokémon and PPAP? You just knew someone would combine them! Annnnd the award for the most adorable Pen-Pineapple Apple-Pen cover goes to these dancing Pikachus. We could (and totally will) watch this cover on repeat all day!
Uncharted 4 PPAP Cover
This isn’t the first dance cover video someone has made using the “taunts” built into Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, but it’s by far the most “Pen-Pineapple Apple-Pen-y” of them all. As if we couldn’t love Nathan Drake more.
Destiny PPAP Cover
This solo PPAP dance takes Destiny to a whole new level. Will you ever be able to look at the game the same way again? No, you will not.