Parents’ Guide to What’s Hot in February

TV Movies
TV Movies Games

It’s tough being a parent in today’s constantly expanding media-heavy world, but that’s where Wikia’s communities of superfans can help. Each month, we round up the hottest, most talked-about releases, and provide you with a guide on whether they’re right for you and your family. We also link you to the Wikia Parent Page for each, authored by superfans to provide the most important information parents need to make smart decisions for their children Check out what’s hot in TV, movies, and games this February and decide what’s appropriate for your family to watch together.

Family Friendly TV


February is jam packed with a lot of great TV releases perfect for watching with the whole family. Watch the Tanner family reunite in Netflix’s Full House reboot, tune in to the Season 3 premiere of Sleepy Hollow, or watch Mindy Kaling guest star on The Muppets this month. Decide which shows are age-appropriate for your kids with our guide below.

New Game Releases

This month, Street Fighter gets a much-anticipated update, and we revisit the world of XCOM and Far Cry. Which of these new releases is right for young gamers?

Hot New Blockbusters

This month has a few blockbusters in store. Zoolander 2 revisits the world’s most-famous male supermodel 15 years later. Marvel brings the potty-mouthed and violent Deadpool to the big screen. And Jane Austen gets zombie-fied with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Click on the parent pages below to decide which movies your kids should check out this month.

More About Parent Pages

Wikia — the home to 140 million superfans worldwide — has over 300,000 communities housing deep information on TV shows, video games, movies and more. Our fan communities select the most relevant information parents need to make smart decisions – not judgements. These parent pages were created for parents, by fans! Check out the complete Parent Page directory here.

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