Epic Games revealed the latest new hero to join the Paragon roster: Lt. Belica. This after releasing four teaser images on their official Twitter over the last few days, all revealing assault type weapons and a female hero in full armor. While we didn’t learn the identity until today, it was relatively easy to assume that the character would be ranged.
At the end of the official trailer released today, a male soldier walks up behind Lt. Belica and states “You shouldn’t have come here, Lieutenant.” The armored covered body belongs to the Paragon hero Murdock and to make things even more interesting, one Lt. Belica is mentioned in Murdock’s lore. No details were actually given as to how these two heroes were connected but we may be finding out soon enough.
Lt. Belica specializes in zoning enemy heroes and mana control. Her ranged AOE burst damage kit includes a Void Bomb that detonates after a short delay and restores mana to the caster for each enemy in its wake. Her kit also includes a line skillshot called Seismic Assault that will knock up and damage enemies as well as a Void Drone that drains mana from enemies in its path and zaps them for damage when they cast an ability. Lt. Belica is the most deadly when she casts the Void Drone and the Void Bomb together as the Drone zaps players who use their abilities to try to escape the bomb before it detonates.
Lt. Belica is the most deadly when she casts the Void Drone and the Void Bomb together as the Drone zaps players who use their abilities to try to escape the bomb before it detonates. She can use the line skillshot to stop more mobile heroes like Gideon who may try to teleport, or ganking heroes like Khaimera from using deadly gap closers.
After the bomb explodes, draining mana from anyone near it, Lt. Belica will be in a prime position to use her ultimate — a Neural Disruptor that utilizes the missing mana from her enemies by doing damage based on the amount missing. This is devastating for anyone caught in her trap.
Lt. Belica will be available to play Sept. 13. Paragon is currently available to play free during the open beta on PC and PlayStation 4.