WARNING: This post contains details on the season finale of Outcast and certain plot points from the comic. Read at your own risk.
The time has finally arrived for Outcast to conclude its first season. This episode was a major game changer with great reveals. After last week, Megan Holter killed her husband while possessed. The episode picked up just right before last week’s episode concluded. This week’s episode shared a title with the thirteen issue of Outcast by Kirkman and Azaceta while also lightly sharing a plot with the issue.
Quite honestly, while the season may have begun slowly, the series really picked up afterwards. The slow burn was all worth it. It needed a build up at its own pace. We’ve reached the point where they had the opportunity for all the major reveals from the comic. While it may seem they are catching up to the comic, fret not! The first season already had multiple episodes which stood on their own plots and twists. As a result with their own twists, their path is now open to veer off from the page.
There were immense amounts of suspense in the episode, which was great for a season finale. There is more feel of suspense on the television series, as opposed to the comic. The stupendous acting and score must be a great contribution to that. With the amount of suspense, a binge watch of the season may not be for everyone.
Top moments
When will Anderson learn? That was crazy of him to burn “Sidney‘s” house down. Did he really think it would be that easy? Well, it didn’t take long to learn that Sidney remains alive. Furthermore, he learned that Aaron MacCready was missing. Did Anderson really inadvertently kill a kid? That would hit his conscience hard. It will be interesting to see how he deals with it next season.
Aaron MacCready, love to hate the kid. His vendetta against Anderson led to his wish for Rome to go down. Might want to settle down Aaron.
Kyle in Sidney’s car was executed well. With a season finale, there tend to be reminders of the past. Kyle recollected on his journey throughout the season. It showcased how far Kyle has gone.
Giles’ character expansion is probably the best among all. Much more depth is added to his character. It took persuasion from Anderson, but Giles agreed to cover up Mark Holter’s death as an accident. It’s great having a side of Giles that has a better understanding on demonic possession, as oppose to the comic. The only reason he holds back at times is the law wouldn’t see it that way.
Game-changing reveals
Where to begin? Probably Amber’s own game-changing reveal. Amber is no ordinary little girl. She is exactly her father’s daughter. Turns out, she too can perform exorcisms. It was great watching Amber coming to Kyle’s rescue, who had life force drained by a possessed Megan. “Don’t hurt my daddy!” From that moment, most comic fans probably expected what’s next. We learned not too long ago that the powers are hereditary in the comics. This was particularly a great way for the reveal on television. Like father, like daughter, right?
In addition to Amber’s reveal, Kyle had a pretty game-changing reveal himself. Kyle isn’t just anyone with powers. Kyle is from where Sidney and demons originated. Where they come from, remains a mystery. All Kyle knows now, is that they couldn’t stay there and are migrating to Earth day after day.
Kyle’s deduction was great. Had an individual had been possessed for a lengthy period of time, they are too far gone. They could be exorcised properly if they had recently been possessed. Kyle’s final deduction was that there would be a period where he could tear the demon out, but it would tear part of the individual out as well.
Differences from the comic
On the show, we watched as Amber unintentionally exorcised Megan. In the comics, Kyle exorcised Megan, rather than Amber. As a result of Megan’s exorcism, Kyle learned that his daughter could have powers, as he does.
At last, the gas station scene occurred. In Robert Kirkman’s comic, Kyle and Anderson briefly stopped at a gas station on their way to Charleston. There, Kyle looked around the gas station, where many possessed individuals surrounded him. As opposed to the show, where Kyle and Amber briefly stopped at a gas station while on a road trip. Kyle and Amber were surrounded on their way to purchase Icee’s. This showed they can’t escape what’s around them, which was a brilliant way to cap off the season.
That’s a wrap! Outcast is scheduled to return in 2017.