Gale Anne Hurd, producer of The Walking Dead and co-writer of Terminator, made a special NYCC appearance at the Amazon Video panel. Hurd announced she will be working with creator Aaron Mahnke to adapt his award-winning podcast ‘Lore.’ The podcast focuses on non-fiction scary stories, with an emphasis on exploring the origins of modern mythology. Mahnke has traditionally done all of the research and storytelling for ‘Lore,’ but upgrading to a live-action streaming series will allow them to expand their writers’ room and incorporate reenactments. Hurd promises the upcoming season will deal with ‘vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies (her favorite), and yes even serial killers.’ Joining the production crew will be former The X-Files writer Glen Morgan, who will be serving as showrunner. Mahnke told a heartwarming story during the panel about growing up as a devoted X-Files fan in college, naming Glen Morgan’s “Home” as his favorite episode. When Morgan contacted him independently to say he was enjoying ‘Lore,’ the two developed an ongoing friendship. Mahnke describes having Morgan in his writer’s room as “a dream come true.”