Nintendo Announces ‘Ever Oasis’

Matthew Hadick

During the second day of Nintendo’s Treehouse Live event at E3 2016, the publisher announced Ever Oasis, a brand new RPG for 3DS currently being developed by Grezzo, the team responsible for the 3DS remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, as well as Tri Force Heroes.

Check out the trailer below:

Ever Oasis seems to center primarily on the development and maintenance of relationships with NPCs. There are various tribes in the game that will join your oasis, and you can recruit certain characters into your party to help you fight your way through the game’s dungeons.

The main character, Tethu, goes on adventures to develop their oasis, venturing into the desert to collect supplies, build friendships and, as Ishii-san put it, “find their own path.” The main character can be either male or female.

Grease’s founder, Koichi Ishii, is responsible for the early Final Fantasy games, the design of chocobos and mooogles, as well as the Mana series, so it’s exciting to see that he’s working on a brand new IP.

Fandom will have more on Ever Oasis as the story developers. Stay tuned!

Matthew Hadick