New ‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer Turns Into A Ballroom Blitz

Drew Dietsch
Movies DC
Movies DC

A new Suicide Squad trailer premiered during the MTV Movie Awards and it’s an absolute blast. Give it a watch and then listen to me gush about how much fun this movie looks to be:

[ooyala video=V2N3dxMjE6AhC-rKTTVDFzsXCjwlz1Vc][/ooyala]

Seeing as how the tone of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a big sticking point for fans (and apparently general audiences as well), director David Ayer looks to have found exactly how to balance an edgy aesthetic with a zany tone. This movie looks absolutely bananas and that’s a great thing. The DCEU shouldn’t be founded solely upon the sturm und drang that Zack Snyder seems to be obsessed with. You can still have that gritty look to your universe but populate it with fun and interesting characters that you enjoy watching.

That’s probably why this trailer focuses even more on the characters and how they act than what we’ve seen in the previous marketing. Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn seems to be the fulcrum that this ensemble rests upon (in terms of portrayal) and she is killing it. Every trailer so far has had a standout moment with Harley, and I’ll be shocked if she doesn’t end up as the breakout star of the film. This trailer gives us a little more insight into Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and El Diablo as well, and they all look to be jiving with the ragtag and rascally nature of Suicide Squad.

I think for the most part, fans are wanting to see something much more upbeat and wild after the oppressively operatic Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I have a lot of faith in Ayer, his cast, and what we’ve seen so far. Maybe the DCEU’s real future is going to be determined by its outcasts rather than its flagship characters. That would actually be pretty cool in my book.

Suicide Squad gets crazy on August 5th. Start giving Harley your drink orders now.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at