Hot off the blockbuster success of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm is back with an explosive new teaser for the second half of this year’s season of Star Wars Rebels. The animated series, following the adventures of the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire during the years before Star Wars: A New Hope, is currently in its second season, and the stakes have been raised with the arrival of two new Inquisitors and even Darth Vader himself — who, as we see in the new trailer, is about to be faced with someone very important from his past.
This season looks set to explore the deeper lore of the Star Wars universe — more so than ever before. Ezra Bridger contends with the pull of the dark side, and even seeks out someone who calls himself “Old Master” — who will look mighty familiar to Star Wars fans. Matt Lanter also returns to reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker, as Ahsoka Tano inches closer to discovering the true identity of Darth Vader.
Now that The Force Awakens is in theaters, we also see our first clear connection to the film: a crossguard lightsaber, much like the weapon wielded by Kylo Ren. Though Kylo’s was unstable and shoddily made, we do know that the design itself dates back to the Great Scourge of Malachor in the galaxy’s ancient past. Might we learn more about it this season?
Star Wars Rebels returns next Wednesday, January 20th, at 9pm Eastern/8pm Central on Disney XD with “The Princess of Lothal,” featuring Princess Leia’s debut on the series.
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