An unexpected surprise came during the Sony Press Conference during this year’s E3. Midway through the show, footage for an intense horror game was shown. Taking place entirely in the first-person, an unnamed protagonist explores a destroyed house, crawling with bugs. As he explores, a brief glimpse of a zombie is shown. Treading further in, the protagonist finds a videotape, puts it into a television, and more brief glimpses of the game are shown.
Once the trailer concluded, the title came into full view: Resident Evil 7.
The entire game can be played with a PlayStation VR, which will launch in the Fall.
Once the conference concluded, a full trailer of Resident Evil was published around the web. A demo for the game, titled Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour, is currently available for PlayStation Plus members.
Resident Evil will be released on January 24, 2016.