The animated projects based on DC Comics’ vast stable of characters are more than often great. One of the best of these was Young Justice, a fresh and mature take on the idea of the Teen Titans. Fans immediately fell in love with the show, but regular viewers couldn’t get on board with the more structured story and universe. The series ended rather abruptly — just when it was getting really, really good — and fans have been hoping for a revival for nearly three years.
Well, it’s looking like there’s a really good chance their prayers have been answered. According to voice actor Khary Peyton (Aqualad in Young Justice), Netflix is reviewing the stats on their streaming data for Young Justice and are considering giving the show a third season! Peyton has asked that fans use the hashtag #renewyoungjustice to help show there’s a definite demand for the show’s return.
DC has always taken a lot of pride in their animated ventures thanks to the overwhelming critical success and legacy of Batman: The Animated Series, and Young Justice is definitely a show that carries on that proud tradition. With live-action series like Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow showcasing how much fans love these characters, it makes tons of sense to bring Young Justice back. The climate is right and the Netflix model allows for an even greater focus on serialized storytelling.
There’s no word on how soon we’d be getting a third season of Young Justice, but now is the time to check out the show if you’ve never seen it. And if you have, start sharing the hashtag #renewyoungjustice and rewatching episodes on Netflix. Vote with your views!
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