This Trailer for ‘Mother!’ Is Going to Break Your Brain

Drew Dietsch
Movies Horror
Movies Horror

Mother! is a film that cinephiles have been anticipated with bated breath. It’s the newest movie from Darren Aronofsky, the mad genius behind such groundbreaking films as Requiem for a DreamPiBlack SwanThe FountainNoah, and The Wrestler. Aronofsky is an uncompromising and often uncomfortable filmmaker who continuously pushes the boundaries of how much an audience can take.

It certainly looks like he’s maintaining that reputation with Mother!. We’ve seen a few quick glimpses of the film but now we have a full trailer to gaze upon. Though, to be honest, it’s only made the mystery that much more mind-bending.

Give it a watch but be prepared to feel like you just witnessed a waking nightmare.

Say Hello, Insanity

WOW. It’s rare these days to see a trailer that shows so much yet answers so very little. In fact, that only makes this film more special. The story looks to revolve around a couple (Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem) who restore an old house but are invaded by some mysterious guests (Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer). And then everything goes berzerk.

There is a ton of chilling imagery in this trailer, but knowing Aronofsky’s body of work, it wouldn’t be surprising if this is all psychological. With the exception of Noah, he’s never dived directly into the realm of the supernatural. His films are highly symbolic and metaphorical, often using genre imagery to better reflect the mood of his characters. It’s likely that we’re seeing the world through the eyes of Jennifer Lawrence’s character. And it’s clear that she’s someone who values order and perfection. Looks like her world is about to come crashing down in a terrifyingly phantasmagorical way.

Any Darren Aronofsky film is cause for excitement and Mother! looks like it’s going to fit quite snugly with the rest of his filmography. We’ll be counting the days until September 15 when this hits theaters.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at