Kung Fu Panda 3 is the third chapter in Dreamworks Animation’s story of portly panda Po (Jack Black) and his journey from zero to unlikely hero. Reunited with his long lost biological father, Po travels to a secret panda village where he must train the other pandas to become Kung Fu masters and defeat a new threat. Veteran voices Black, Dustin Hoffman (Master Shifu), Angelina Jolie (Tigress), Lucy Liu (Viper), Jackie Chan (Monkey), David Cross (Crane), and Seth Rogen (Mantis) are joined by new friends and foes voiced by J.K. Simmons (Kai), Bryan Cranston (Li), and Kate Hudson (Mei Mei).
Check out the video above and see what Liu, Hoffman, and Simmons had to say about Po’s latest adventures and why everyone is always screaming in the sound booth.
Meet the new characters here and prepare for more pandamonium to hit theaters on Jan. 29.
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