Kojima Productions’ New Game ‘Death Stranding’ Revealed

Matthew Hadick

The wait is over: After months of guessing games, we now know that Kojima Productions’ mysterious project is called Death Stranding, which was revealed in an E3 trailer shown during Sony’s press conference that presents more questions than answers. The game featured Walking Dead actor Norman Reedus as he progresses through a dreamlike sequence, waking up on a beach and cradling an infant, and then coming across a mountain of beached fish. His abdomen seems to have been slashed in a cross-like pattern; the camera pans out, and we see an oceanfront with whales jumping out of the water and five figures floating in the sky before the title is revealed.

What is going on? We might learn more as the show progresses. Stay tuned.

Read more about Kojima’s new studio on Fandom:

Matthew Hadick