‘Horizon Zero Dawn 2’ Could Feature Even More Robots

Samantha Loveridge
Games PlayStation
Games PlayStation

If there’s ever a Horizon Zero Dawn 2, which we sincerely hope there is, developer Guerrilla Games thinks there will be even more robots involved.

In a series of interviews with Game Informer (via WCCFTech), several of the key developers from Guerrilla have spoken out about making a sequel to the game. And it’s fair to say, we’re excited.

“More machines,” said Art Director, Jan-Bart van Beek on the prospect of making a sequel. “They are a lot of fun to design, build, animate, and play with. I wish we could have done a hundred. But reality is a harsh mistress; it doesn’t allow you to make hundreds of machines.”

Horizon Zero Dawn features over 20 different types of machines, from the giraffe-like Longnecks to the deer inspired Grazers. But it seems Guerrilla would love to make a sequel even more robot heavy.

Horizon Zero Dawn Aloy riding Grazer
Horizon Zero Dawn is very much focused on offering gamers a lush, vast open world to play in

Robots and Flame-Haired Heroines

However, it’s not just about the robots in Horizon Zero Dawn, it’s also about the great story and its central character, Aloy.

“We’ve been absolutely humbled by the players’ response to the story and their emotional connection to Aloy,” said John Gonzalez, Narrative Director on Horizon Zero Dawn. “Should a sequel happen, our number one goal would be to respect that connection by doing our utmost to create a story that resonates just as deeply.”

The studio seems to have been humbled by the overwhelmingly positive response to Horizon Zero Dawn and Aloy. So much so we’d be very surprised if the developer didn’t work to make this into a series of games, starting with Horizon Zero Dawn 2.

“It’s been a big project for us and I’m really happy how it all came together,” added Mathijs de Jonge, Game Director. “I see a lot of praise of the variety the world offers and the experience as a whole.

“That some parts don’t shine quite as brightly as other is something that was kind of inevitable due to the scope. We are looking closely at any critiques as part of plotting out our plans for the future of Horizon.”

Horizon Zero Dawn was released on February 28, exclusively on PS4.

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Samantha Loveridge
Sam is the UK Gaming Editor at Fandom. She's been addicted to games since she first got her paws on a GameBoy and hasn't looked back.