Good Game is the newest series from YouTube Red, but this one happens to be something a little more special than what they’ve offered in the past. It stars Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan, the duo known as Game Grumps, one of the most popular and beloved YouTube gaming/comedy channels out there. It’s also produced by Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community), who also has a rather goofy cameo in the show’s pilot episode. Point is, there are fun people behind the wheel of this show, but what’s it about?
From the show’s official synopsis:
“In this YouTube Red Original Series, an eternal optimist (Dan Avidan) and a miserable slacker (Arin Hanson) recruit a team of misfits to take on the eSports establishment by competing for a spot in the biggest KILLCORE tournament of the year— BLOOD MATCH.”
Basically, it’s a silly take on eSports culture but with the kind of twisted heart that Dan Harmon shows are often known for. You can actually watch the first episode right now, but it is VERY NSFW for language and subject matter. With that in mind, give it a watch and see what you think.
“The Return of Boogerboss”
As a fan of Game Grumps, I can say that Good Game definitely captures their juvenile, raunchy, but always sweet-hearted nature really well. This is the first time Arin and Dan have pursued acting in any substantial measure, and it’s heartwarming to see their shared sense of absurd humor shine through in this show.
The plot itself is a little threadbare, but it clearly gives Arin and Dan a chance to showcase their unique comedic chops. Game Grumps is known for its off-the-cuff ridiculousness, so it’s great that energy has been channeled into something structured. Creators Jesse Cox and Michele Morrow have done an excellent job in having their stars fit the material.
It’s also nice to see that the ensemble cast is diverse and as funny as the two leading actors. I can definitely see eSports People becoming a lovable little ragtag group. And if the show can give us a reason to really fall in love with them, we could have a bit of a Community study group vibe going. I like it.
Good Game looks like a good (*sigh* I’m sorry) project for Arin and Dan. They’ve always been hilarious and this is another chance for them to be just that. If you’re a Game Grumps fan, Good Game is going to be up your alley. The entire show will be available on YouTube Red with new episodes every Wednesday.