Here Are 15 Photos from ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 and What We Think They Mean

TV Game of Thrones
TV Game of Thrones

Winter has come early for Game of Thrones fans! HBO’s just released 15 all-new photos from Season 7, which debuts July 16. What do the pics reveal about Game of Thrones Season 7? There’s a lot to see here, so let’s dive right in with our Game of Thrones predictions.

Will Jamie kill Cersei?

Everyone’s favorite social climber is finally on top! (Can we get a “YAS QUEEN” for Cersei? She’s worked so hard to get here.) However, after losing Tommen in Season 6 – her last living child with brother Jamie – we sense there may be trouble in paradise.

Who will Lyanna Mormont school this time?

To be fair, she is the Lady of Bear Island. You’d be a fool to cross her. We can’t wait to see more of Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones Season 7.

Samwell Tarly finds the cure for the White Walkers.

Cure or murder weapon? Either way, we’ve always rooted for Sam, who now has access to hundreds of books in the Citadel, and has finally found the best way to fight the White Walkers.

Bran is marked by the Night King.

Will he lead the White Walkers through the Wall? Will he warg into a dragon and burn them all to the ground? How jacked is Meera going to be after dragging Bran through the snow for a whole summer? We’ll find out in Game of Thrones Season 7.

What’s going on with Tormund and Brienne?

Whatever it is, we like it.

Does Sansa marry/kill Littlefinger?

Could Sansa kill Littlefinger? Will she marry him? Or does he run off to Westeros to marry Cersei? It wouldn’t be the first time he weds for power.

Cleganebowl: The Hound vs. The Mountain!

Will Sandor Clegane ever die? Short answer: maybe, but only after killing his brother Gregor. We could finally see Cleganebowl in Game of Thrones Season 7.

A theory of ice and fire…

We already know that Jon and Dany meet in Season 7, but do they partner up and fall in love? Even if she is technically his aunt? Guys, the book series is called A Song of Ice and Fire and we ship it. We ship it hard.

Arya the assassin.

Wouldn’t it be so juicy and full circle-y if Arya ended up killing Cersei, who was involved in the execution of her father? Vengeance is sweet, and we hope to see more of Needle.

Is Varys really a mermaid?

Yeah, it’s a thing.

Why does everyone look so good in their new outfits?

Tyrion and Dany are siblings…

Some fans believe Tyrion Lannister to be one of the prophesied heads of the dragon, along with Dany and Jon. It makes sense, especially in regards to Tywin’s last words (“You’re no son of mine!”) and Tyrion’s loyal bond with Dany.

Will Ser Davos ever learn to read?

We’ll just have to wait and see when Game of Thrones Season 7 arrives July 16.

Therese is a staff contributor at Fandom.