One of the most exciting things about Game of Thrones is that any character can become a major player.
That’s what has happened to Euron Greyjoy. Euron was exiled from the Iron Islands and spent many years as a pirate, where he hatched a plan to reclaim the Salt Throne. And now, it seems he may help Cersei Lannister keep her seat on the Iron Throne.
After murdering his brother Balon Greyjoy and laying claim to the Salt Throne over Balon’s daughter (and his niece) Yara Greyjoy, Euron rallied the seafaring house together.
With his childhood dream of marrying the most beautiful woman in the world (and becoming the King of the Seven Kingdoms), Euron proposed to Cersei, who refused.
Undaunted by her refusal, Euron promised a gift to Cersei. “You need proof of my honest intentions,” he declares. “In my experience, the surest way to a woman’s heart is with a gift. A priceless gift.”
In the second episode of Season 7, Stormborn, that priceless gift was revealed: Ellaria Sand. Ellaria was responsible for murdering Cersei’s daughter Myrcella with poisoned lipstick.
Euron sacked Yara’s fleet and took Ellaria hostage, with the intent of bringing her to Cersei. And everyone knows Cersei likes to exact her revenge.
Euron’s hand has been played, and fans will see exactly how much of a player he will become in the Game of Thrones as the season continues.