It’s been in the making for a while now, but it looks like a new film version of Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will finally be headed to the big screen. Today gives us our first look at the brand new suits the Rangers will be wearing. Feast your eyeballs on these:
I’m getting a very organic-y Iron Man vibe from these suits. The original designs are inherently kind of silly, so it’s interesting to see these film version strive for some level of seriousness. These certainly don’t look like any other suits in the Super Sentai series but that’s probably a good thing. These movie versions need to stand out and no matter what you think of these suits, it’s hard to argue that they don’t catch your eye.
We’ve also seen what Elizabeth Banks will look like as the Rangers’ nemesis, Rita Repulsa. For those who forgot, take another gander at this insanity:
It’s pretty clear that the movie series is going to carve out its own unique visual style, and while you may not agree with it since it’s not a direct replication of more familiar iconography, it assures that this version of these characters and their world will stand on its own. Whether or not the story and characters will be worth watching remains to be seen, but I have to give props to the filmmakers for taking a bold direction with the property. I’m intrigued to see what Zordon and Alpha will look like, not to mention the Rangers’ giant fighting robots known as Zords.
Power Rangers reboots the franchise in a big way on March 24, 2017. Give your Dino Medals a spit shine and polish your Megazord while you wait.