DC used the return of their popular television shows (dubbed the Arrowverse) to show off some new footage for their upcoming DC Extended Universe films (or DCEU). We got a fantastic new trailer for Suicide Squad and now this first peek into Wonder Woman:
For a first look, this isn’t bad but it’s not invigorating. I like the period setting of World War I and seeing Diana in a civilian get-up, but other than that I still feel kind of in the dark about this flick. Granted, it still has over a year of work that will get done to it, so no point in making any definitive judgments this far out. The one big positive is seeing Diana charging towards some soldiers on horseback. More of that please.
The biggest question mark on this is still Gal Gadot. She looks great for the part visually, but considering how important Wonder Woman is going to be both to the DCEU and for female representation in blockbuster film, there’s a lot of pressure on Gadot’s shoulders. I sincerely hope she’s up to the task.
Wonder Woman can be a great character when handled with the right balance of strength and compassion. She can also be pretty badass (I like that she’s described as the best fighter in the DC universe), so I’m hoping we get to see some more of her in action before too long. And we need a shot of her tossing that golden lasso. I won’t be satisfied until I see that.
Need to brush up on where the island of Themyscira is? There’s no better map on the internet than the DC Database.