The first trailer for superhero comedy Shazam! screened at Comic-Con today, and promptly brought the house down. The footage introduces Billy Batson, a troubled kid who has run away from foster homes in six counties. He moves in with a new family and bonds with their son, who loves superheroes. The film takes place in a world where both Batman and Superman exist.
We then witness the title character’s origin, with Billy meeting old Shazam, saying his name, and turning into his superhero alter-ego. What follows are lots of laughs, as Shazam tests out his powers — including flight and super-strength — and stops a burglary. We also get a glimpse at Mark Strong’s villain, Thaddeus Sivana.
It’s light, fun, and at times hilarious, with Shazam! living up to its billing as Superman meets Big.
And the Man of Steel got a mention during the panel, with the film’s star Zachary Levi being asked who would win in a fight. “Per canon, Captain Marvel/Shazam is one of the only characters that can stand toe to toe with Supes,” he responded. “I think he’d fare pretty well.”