This year’s New York Comic Con featured a panel for the ninth season of the incredible animated series Archer. The Archer: Danger Island panel featured guest appearances by executive producer Matt Thompson, co-executive producer, Casey Willis, and voice actors Lucky Yates, Amber Nash, and Aisha Tyler. Better still, fans were treated to a rough cut of the first episode of Archer: Danger Island.
Prepare for Parrot Krieger
Without getting too far into spoilers, this season takes place on a small tropical island in the year 1939. While the regular cast members are playing mostly the same characters as they did in previous seasons, this iteration of the Archer crew are all tweaked to better fit the island and historical setting. Archer is a pilot, Lana is the Island’s princess, and Krieger is a sentient parrot.
That’s right. In what is sure to be the stand-out character of this season, Lucky Yates is playing a parrot. The parrot, named Crackers after Yate’s own childhood parrot, is just as awkward, inappropriate, and insensitive as the human Krieger, except he’s entirely avian. It is beyond entertaining to watch the majority of characters explain to island newcomers that Crackers can talk to them because he is parrot; while completely ignoring the fact that a bird is perhaps the smartest person on the island.
Amber Nash, who provides the voice of Pam, noted, “The animation has gotten way better!” The new tropical setting was bright and colorful and the movements of Crackers were so similar to actual parrots that it was almost eerie. If both the jokes and animation stay at this quality, it might be the funniest and best looking season of Archer yet.
Archer’s Coma
Nash revealed that she would love to see a spin-off episode focusing on Pam’s family on their farm in Wisconsin, with her voicing each member of Pam’s family. Yates said he would want to make the Flash Gordon movie featuring the entire Archer cast. Aisha Tyler admitted she’d like to do a ’70s action movie, which would finally make Krieger’s van an appropriate mode of transportation.
When asked whether Archer will ever wake up from his coma, executive producer, Matt Thompson, answered with a definitive “yes.” Before the show’s final tenth season, Archer will wake up from his coma and interact with and address characters in the “real world.” They also revealed that Archer’s cyborg nemesis Barry will play a larger role in the tenth season and may even appear in Danger Island. The dynamic between Archer and Barry is always fun to watch so it’ll be great seeing it in this new setting.
The End Is Nigh
As Danger Island has been confirmed to be the penultimate season of Archer, fans asked if about the impending finale. Nash said that her ideal ending for Archer would feature, “A scene of Pam walking into the sunset with the sad end credits song from the Hulk television series playing.” She also suggested that every episode of Archer’s final season be a satire of final episodes from different genres of television.
While Thompson couldn’t give specific details, he did confirm that he is working on a project that he hopes will feature many of the Archer cast members. Even though Archer may be ending in the next two years or so, fans are almost certainly going to enjoy Danger Island and look forward to more projects from the talented team of actors and creators.
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