#MyFandom is a Twitter Q&A highlighting pop culture fans and influencers who love to geek out over their favorite fandoms. In this edition, we talk with Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group.
Matt Martin, just like many of us, is a huge Star Wars fan. But it just so happens that he goes to work every day on the Lucasfilm campus, located in the beautiful Presidio neighborhood of San Francisco, CA, where so many Star Wars secrets are kept.
So, how exactly does a passionate fan become the ultimate career galactic expert? We spent some time talking with the newest recruit of the elite Lucasfilm Story Group — the team tasked with shepherding Star Wars continuity and so much more — and asked him these 10 questions.
You’re part of the Lucasfilm Story Group, what exactly is that?
We do story development and oversee adherence to creative direction and narrative continuity.
How did you first get involved at Lucasfilm?
I started as a volunteer at conventions for Lucasfilm! Through that, I met the right people.
What’s the first memory you have of Star Wars?
Watching Return of the Jedi at a friend’s sleepover in the middle of the night and being BLOWN AWAY. Life changed.
How often do you use Wookieepedia as part of your job?
Ha! It’s my go-to place for any reminders. I don’t use it as a source but it’s a good jumping off point.
What has been your proudest moment working at Lucasfilm?
That’s tough. Probably just being here my first day. As a kid, I said I wanted to work for Lucasfilm.
What’s your favorite Star Wars movie?
Probably Empire Strikes Back but it seems to rotate depending on my mood (or which one I’m currently watching).
Your Twitter handle is @missingwords, what’s the meaning behind it?
It’s a song by a ’80s band The Selecter. Look it up, kids. Basically, I just thought it sounded cool.
What are some of your other fandoms?
Harry Potter, Marvel, and horror movies are my big ones. Also, I read an exorbitant amount of comics.
If you could have dinner with three Star Wars characters, who would they be?
Han, Lando, and Doctor Aphra. That’d be fun… but I’d almost certainly get stuck with the bill.
What’s your advice for getting a dream job working for your favorite fandom?
Figure out what you love doing and are good at, then find a way to apply those skills to your fandom.