Monster Hunter Generations, the latest installment in the fantasy role-playing game series Monster Hunter, released on July 15 and there is plenty for hunters to be excited about. The game collects the most memorable monsters, locations, and weapons and expands on existing gameplay systems to create the most comprehensive hunting experience to date! Developed and published by Capcom, the Monster Hunter series puts players in the role of a hunter as they complete quests by vanquishing specific monsters. After its initial release on the PlayStation 2 in 2004, the game has expanded to PlayStation Portable, Nintendo 3DS and to a massively multiplayer online game.
The Monster Hunter series is immensely popular in Japan and has gained a cult following in the United States and Europe. The Monster Hunter games are hybrid action/role-playing games set in a fantasy world overrun by deadly monsters. Players begin as a low-ranking novice hunter before they can embark on deadly hunts to kill more ferocious beasts. After downing these creatures, players can craft new equipment from monster parts. All of the games feature a single-player mode, but the real fun comes from multiplayer modes that allow players to team up with three other hunters.
What makes the Monster Hunter series so beloved by its userbase? Let’s take a look at some of the qualities that have given the series such popularity and longevity.
Weapon Variety
Hunters can take down monsters with their weapon of choice – and there’s a lot of them! Monster Hunter Generations features 14 different weapons types. Eleven of them are Blademaster weapons that focus on melee attacks and three of them are Gunner Weapons that focus on taking out the enemy from a distance. Each weapon type as their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. The attack speed, move-set, and special attacks can also vary on what weapon you select. Some players prefer to use powerful, punishing weapons like the Hammer, Great Sword or Switch Axe. Other players might prefer quicker, flashier weapons like the Dual Blades, Sword and Shield and Insect Glaive. The newly added Hunting Styles provide another layer of complexity to weapons in Generations, allowing players to experiment even more with their playstyle.
An Expansive Crafting System
The Monster Hunter series includes one of the most rewarding upgrade systems in all of gaming. Players hunt increasingly difficult monsters for one thing — better weapons and gear! There are a huge amount of weapon sets that feature their own unique look. The hunt for those elusive powerful weapons drives players to take on ever-tougher challenges. The game requires players to hunt the same bosses multiple times to acquire the components necessary to craft those weapons. Along with the crafting system, the game offers an expansive upgrading system that allows players to customize the strength and effects of their gear. While players will find themselves grinding for these components and weapons, the joy of equipping a shiny new weapon is a feeling that never gets old.
The Strength of the Monster Hunter Community
The Monster Hunter series wouldn’t be as successful as it is today without the expansive community of players. Hunting is best when in a group with other like-minded players. Due to the wide variety of playstyles, players can often learn a lot about combat from their allies. The gameplay systems of Monster Hunter can be rather complex at times, and becoming a powerful hunter requires both study and practice. The Monster Hunter community has shown time and time again that players enjoy sharing information with each other. Even if you go into playing Monster Hunter solo, chances are you’ll meet some friendly hunters rather quickly.
Well Designed Bosses
The greatest strength of the Monster Hunter series is its enormous roster of bosses. There are over 15 different classifications of monsters, from rather harmless Herbivores to all-powerful Elder Dragons. Each monster type can be dangerous in their own way, and their distinct design makes them as memorable as the gear you can obtain from them. Over time, it’s easy for players to choose their favorite bosses or those that they hate fighting against. Designs for bosses can consist of reptilian, dragon-like creatures, or ferocious furred beasts, or even winged wyverns. Monsters also have their own personalities. Some are more willing to accept any fight, and others that might flee when losing a battle. The diverse set of gorgeous monsters truly makes Monster Hunter special.
Monster Hunter Generations released on July 15 2015. Be sure to check out our expansive wiki to learn more about the powerful monsters and the gear you’ll need to defeat them. Happy hunting!