With the release of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, it seems that everyone is talking about Batman and/or Superman. That’s no surprise, these two fellas have been the biggest names in superhero fandom for decades. They’re so big, in fact, that they’ve become an integral part of our nation. If you show a little kid – any little kid – a picture of Batman or Superman, they’ll know who it is. These characters are part of our cultural DNA and it seems that everyone is a fan.
But some fans rise above the rest and really show off their bonafides. Let’s celebrate some of the best of the best. These are the people who take their love of The Caped Crusader and Last Son of Krypton very, very seriously.
Batman and Superman Ink
Getting a tattoo is a big commitment. In fact, there’s no bigger commitment because once a tattoo is finished, it’s not coming off. Some people are so dedicated to Batman and Superman that they’ve forever marked their skin to show it. Like all tattoos, some are bad and some are good but you can find a surprising amount of tasteful and impressive tattoos featuring these two heroes. From the iconic emblems to more artistic, unique work (like the one above), a Batman or Superman tattoo is a very proud and permanent way to show how much you love these titans of comic books.
Was there ever a more heartwarming story than that of Batkid? Young Miles Scott was diagnosed with cancer and had one wish: to be Batman for a day. Thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the city of San Francisco and thousands of Batman fans and good samaritans, Miles got his wish. We all know what happened next: Miles dressed up as Batkid and saved the day to the cheers of thousands. Just think about that day now and try not to get choked up. The entire Batkid story showed how inspiring superheroes can be — and also how wonderful fans can be when they embrace fandom and use it for good. Go get ‘em, Miles!
Homemade Batpod
The Batpod ended up being one of the coolest ideas from Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. That thing could move! Of course, some super fans were going to take it upon themselves to make a real life Batpod. Motorcyle whiz Pankaj Shah did just that, making a functional Batpod and taking it for a spin, causing many Batfans to wonder why they hadn’t done the same. Shah’s ride worked, though it never sped around as fast (or safely) as Batman’s. Also, it didn’t have a gun. Also, it wasn’t able to flip over a runaway semi-truck and save Harvey Dent from impending doom. Those minor quibbles aside, it was one hell of a replica.
Fantastic Batman and Superman cosplay
What little kid didn’t love dressing up like Batman or Superman? Slinging a cape around your neck, hands on your hips, looking out on the city in need (in reality: standing on the couch in your living room with an old towel tucked into your collar). Being Superman or Batman is really, really fun! As people get older, the desire to dress like Bats and Supes doesn’t fade but it does get harder. For some, it becomes a calling. For a select few, it becomes a lifestyle. There are so many examples of great Batman and Superman cosplay. There is handy work that could pass for the stuff you see on the big screen. Anyone who has attended a convention knows just how popular these cosplayers are. Rightfully so because some of this stuff is astoundingly accurate and insanely impressive.
Baby Names
Devoting your life to a passion is one thing. But devoting someone else’s life is something else entirely. Some people have taken their love of Batman and Superman so far that they’ve even named their children after the characters. Now, naming a kid Bruce isn’t the end of the world (just ask Mr. Springsteen). Naming someone Kal-El? Well, that’s daring. That’s exactly what Oscar winner Nicolas Cage did. His son, Kal-El, was born in 2005. At the time, Cage said this about his baby’s name: “I want a name that stood for something good, was unique and America and that’s all three.” Those are obviously the words of a true (and maybe a bit eccentric) fan.