Jason Blum – producer of horror hits like Get Out, Insidious and Paranormal Activity – recently landed the rights to hit game Five Nights at Freddy’s, and has been exclusively telling FANDOM why he thinks a film adaptation will work.
“It’s kind of horror” Blum explained. “I’ve been working with [game creator] Scott Cawthorn on trying to turn that into a movie. That game has a rabid fan-base, and I would say without Scott it wouldn’t make a good movie, but Scott has a clear very idea of what he wants the movie to be and I think because we are using the same creator as the game in Scott, I think there will be a great movie in it. I think without that I’d be sceptical about a Five Nights movie.”
There’s no word on a start date yet, but to see the rest of the Blum interview – in which he talks about what will set this game adaptation apart from previous – check out the above video.