Vampyr‘s dark world isn’t an easy one — for the living or the dead — and if you’re not dodging vampire hunters, you’re being chased by legions of the undead instead. But before you sharpen those fangs and rush out into the night, here are a few tips and tricks we wish we’d known before we hit the cobbled streets of London.
Don’t Go to Bed Until Everything’s Done
At first, Vampyr encourages you to regularly rest your bloodshot eyes, but don’t let this mislead you. Though it’s a tempting shortcut to regenerate your health and level up, while you’re getting your much-needed beauty sleep during the day, the people around you will continue to get sicker, which can seriously affect the health status of a district. Only jump into bed when you’ve done your rounds, finished your conversations, and have done all that you can do.
Heal the Sick and Listen to Their Complaints
This might seem obvious given Reid’s an eminent doctor, but if you don’t take time to visit your patients and find out how they are, you risk endangering their lives. Admittedly, this isn’t always easy; Reid needs to find the corresponding drug recipes as well as scavenge the ingredients to make the cures, too. Leave a patient in distress for too long, however, and they’ll not only lose XP, but they’ll also affect the district’s stability. Which leads us neatly into our next tip…
Loot, Loot, and Loot Some More
Everything you need — from pharmaceutical ingredients to the weapons needed to take down London’s most menacing denizens — you’ll find hidden somewhere on the city streets. So wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing, take the time to loot everything around you, and regularly re-visit locked chests and cabinets. Even the garbage bins may be hiding a crucial item or two.
Get Crafty
With no restrictions on the number of items Reid can stuff into his doctor’s bag, make sure you pick up any stray weapons lying around to use for upgrade parts, and regularly craft excess cures. Your neighbors will often feel under the weather – from the humble headache to full-blown pneumonia — so keep a stockpile of convenient remedies handy so that the next time you stop by, they’ll be feeling more human again… unlike you, of course.
Wait Before You Bite
Let there be no doubt: Being a good guy in Vampyr is pretty tough. Leaving citizens alive denies you the opportunity of soaking up their XP-rich blood, which makes things so much tougher later on in the game. But before you succumb to temptation and help yourself to a human appetizer, make sure your dinner is fully healed before you tuck in; a healthy citizen offers considerably more XP than one suffering with a malingering ailment.
Vampyr is now available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.