Dishonored 2, the sequel to the 2010 stealth action game from Arkane Studios, was a major focus of Bethesda’s E3 press conference this year. Two major trailers were unveiled, along with an in-depth live gameplay demo hosted by Creative Director Harvey Smith. The presentation began by showcasing the power of the Dishonored 2‘s new gameplay engine, called the Void Engine. This new engine brings a major improvement on environmental lighting and shadows.
Dishonored 2 follows two playable characters: Corvo Attano, the protagonist of Dishonored, and Emily Kaldwin, Empress of the Empire of the Isles. Each character has their own unique abilities, gadgets, and weapons. The game takes places in a new major city called Karnaca, The Jewel of the South. Dishonored 2 will take place 15 years after the first game. The rule of Dunwall is thrown into chaos after a mysterious, otherworldly usurper steals the throne from Emily.
The first major gameplay demo showcased the Dust District, an area ravaged by terrible storms in Karnaca. The city is overrun with two factions, the Overseers and the Howler Gang. The player can choose to ally themselves with either faction, or choose to do things independently. The target of the demo mission was a leader named Vice Overseer Burn.
The live gameplay demo revealed unique abilities for Emily. These include Far Reach, an ability to pull distant objects and enemies towards Emily; Mesmerize, a mental spell that can be used to lull enemies into a stupor to prevent being detected; Domino, which chains attacks and abilities to multiple enemies; and Shadow Walk, an ability that allows Emily to traverse within shadows, and sneak up on enemies to dispatch them in one strike.
Another mission entitled “A Crack in the Slab” was shown afterward, showcasing a unique trinket that allowed the player to view the environment in the past and present simultaneously. Players will need to utilize the trinket to solve puzzles and dispatch enemies.
A Collector’s Edition for Dishonored 2 was announced as well, which features a replica of Corvo’s mask and Emily’s ring. Players who pre-order any version of Dishonored 2 will also receive a free copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition. The release date for Dishonored 2 is set for Nov. 11, 2016.
The press conference closed with a worldwide launch of a new Dishonored 2 gameplay trailer, which can be seen below.