The genre-spawning action franchise is back. Over a decade after the release of Devil May Cry 4, today, Capcom debuted the trailer for the long-demanded fifth entry. Sandwiched between a slew of pulse-pounding announcements at Microsoft’s E3 conference, Devil May Cry 5 was arguably the biggest surprise of the show.
Following on from 2013’s Ninja Theory-developed DmC, this all-new entry looks to feature both Devil May Cry 4’s Nero and series icon, Dante.
What story is Devil May Cry 5 telling?
Set after the events of Devil May Cry 4, details are still fairly light on the specifics of the story that the upcoming game will tell. A recent report from Famitsu magazine (via WCCFtech) from states that Nero and Dante will be facing their toughest challenge yet, thanks to some peculiar happenings in the Demon world. Nero’s mysterious new demon arm is said to play a key part in the game’s series.
How Will it Play?
With a new demonic threat flooding our world, players will be tasked with taking these fiends on head first. This time around though, there will be three different hunters to control, all with their own unique playstyles. With Nero, Dante, and a mystery third hunter still to be confirmed, DMC 5 looks to offer a unique blend of fast-paced action.
Based on the footage released so far, Devil May Cry 5 will feature the kind of breakneck-speed, combo-heavy combat that fans expect from the franchise. Based on the Resident Evil 7 RE engine, players will be able to slice up demons at a smooth 60 frames per second.
We will be seeing more on the game behind closed doors at this year’s Gamescom.
Who’s Working on It?
Although Microsoft revealed just moments before DMC5’s unveiling that they bought DmC developer Ninja Theory, ironically, the UK-based studio won’t be involved this time. Taking to the stage during the conference, Longtime franchise game designer, Hideaki Itsuno, confirmed his involvement on the project.
When Is It Out?
The good news is, we won’t have too long to wait until we can finally get our combo on. Devil May Cry 5 will launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in March 2019.
When Can We Learn More About the Game?!
While the game has been revealed to be 75% complete, CAPCOM has promised to show even more of the game at this year’s Gamescom convention in August. It’s not just a press opportunity, however, as Devil May Cry 5 will also be playable by the public at the Cologne-based show.