‘Destiny 2’: How To Get Your Sparrow, Fast

Alex Eriksen

If you’re digging into Destiny 2 you’re probably wandering around the European Dead Zone thinking to yourself, “Man… lotta walkin’.” You’re not alone. The sequel has changed up quite a bit over the original and this extends to your Sparrow.

The zippy speeder bikes were accessible within hours in Destiny 1‘s campaign, but no longer. This time you have to earn it. There are two ways to get your Sparrow back and the best way you might not like so much: you must beat all the story missions.


Yes, that’s right. Upon completing Destiny 2‘s main storyline, you will be given a Sparrow for your troubles. Just go talk to Amanda Holliday in the hangar and she’ll gift you one — your pick of one of three basic Sparrows. The upside is this is by far the fastest way and there’s no grinding involved.

There is another way you could potentially get it “earlier,” but it involves grinding. After you’ve unlocked the Farm and completed your first mission after arriving, Spark, this will open the Eververse store on the farm (it’s right next to the cryptarch Tyra Karn). The Eververse store is run by Tess Everis and she sells bright engrams. One of those bright engrams may contain a Sparrow.

But in order to buy bright engrams you must be level 20, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get a Sparrow for your troubles. Trust us, just do the story missions and you’ll be zipping around like Luke in Return of the Jedi in no-time. And be sure to keep an eye out for enemy vehicles like Pikes. You can always ride those around in the meantime.

Alex Eriksen
Alex is a reporter and content programmer at Fandom. He's pretty into Destiny. Okay, really into Destiny.