Destiny 2 is looking better and better the more we see, and the latest news is definitely another move in the right direction. In a new interview, Bungie has admitted that its ditching Grimore Cards for Destiny 2.
Grimore Cards were collectables found in the original Destiny that unlocked additional story lore or other content that you could view on Bungie’s website or the Destiny app. They always seemed like a replacement for the original game’s plot, which was thin on the ground to say the least, so their removal reinforces the fact that Destiny 2‘s story will be much more involved.
The good news was revealed by Bungie’s World Lead, Steve Cotton, in an interview with Forbes, who when asked about the presence of Grimore Cards had this to say:
“The answer to that question is ‘no’ and the reason it’s ‘no’ is because we want to put the lore in the game,” explained Cotton. “We want people to be able to find the lore. All the story is told through the Adventures, it’s told through the characters in the world, it’s told through the campaign and it’s told through scannables you find throughout the world.”
Despite the strangeness of Grimore Cards, it didn’t stop fans from becoming obsessed with collecting them – as with everything else in Destiny. They were great for revealing parts of the story that couldn’t be squished into the main game or its subsequent DLC packs: House of Wolves, The Taken King and The Dark Below.
No doubt thos fans that worked for hours trying to find all the cards will be a bit peeved that they’re being taken out of the sequel, but we for one are pleased that there’s more of a story in Destiny 2 than in its predecessor.
Destiny 2 is coming out on September 8 on Xbox One and PS4. A PC version is following at a later date.