The long awaited first expansion for Bungie’s epic sci-fi shooter Destiny 2 is finally here. Titled Curse Of Osiris, this new narrative-focused experience tells the story of the mysterious Warlock, Osiris. Taking place directly after the events of Destiny 2‘s campaign, fans will now have to track down Ikora Ray’s mysterious mentor in order to help save the world from a mysterious Vex invasion.
With the eponymous NPC having helmed the first Destiny‘s notoriously difficult Trials Of Osiris, many fans will be keen to finally find out more about this elusive anti-hero. It’s not just Osiris we’ll be learning more about though; Bungie also promises that this new DLC will finally shed some light on what the true Vex’s purpose is.
Yet, with little else revealed about the new expansion aside from its cool sounding premise, we decided to speak to Bungie and dig a little deeper. Behind closed doors in Paris, the studio shed some light on exactly what guardians can expect to find in the upcoming content pack. Without further ado, here’s what’s coming to Destiny 2 on December 5.
Both The Character Level and Light Level Caps Are Going Up
Good news Guardians: after months of grinding away with minimal light gain, December is going to up the stakes once again. Bungie revealed that Curse Of Osiris will not only boost the light level cap from 305 to 330, but it will also up the maximum character level too. In a bid to help Guardians get stronger without solely relying on gear, players will now be able to raise their characters by another five XP levels, with the new character level cap sitting at 25.
2. There’s A Ton Of New Content
Unsurprisingly for a content pack, Curse Of Osiris looks to be…well, packed with content. Bungie has revealed that the expansion will contain a brand new quest, new missions, new strikes, new adventures and of course, a brand new raid. While Bungie declined to go into too much detail about what we can expect from individual missions, players will be travelling to a new planet: Mercury.
The Infinite Forest looks set to offer guardians some time-bending puzzle. The team did, however, reveal at least one intriguing new location that you can expect to be exploring come December 5. Known as The Infinite Forest, this cool-looking new zone is actually a simulated reality created by the time-bending Vex. While only a few stills have been shown of this area, with its floating sea of pillars and promise of time manipulation, we’re guessing its going to be a constantly changing, platforming-heavy level.
3. You’re Partnered With A Brand New Ghost
For the first time in Destiny, players will find themselves partnered up with a different Ghost than their trusty long-term partner. With Osiris abandoning his Ghost after a heated battle with the Vex, Guardians find themselves adopting the mysterious Warlock’s companion. Named Sagira, this new Ghost promises to give players a different kind of Destiny experience. Offering more sass than the Nolan North-voiced Ghost of old, Bungie suggest that this refreshing new female companion will provide a different kind of flavour to your journey.
4. There’s A Brand New Social Space To Lounge About In
Trials Of Osiris' lighthouse is now a fully fledged social space. As well as giving you new gear and an intriguing-looking story to sink your teeth into, players will also have a new place to socialize. Joining The Farm and The Tower as your new hangout spot is The Lighthouse. Keen Destiny one players may remember this from the last game’s Trials Of Osiris, but instead of being reserved for the game’s PVP elite, this mysterious area will now be open to everyone