Updated June 13th
Microsoft confirmed that Dead Rising 4 will have a 2016 holiday release date. Frank West has been confirmed as the hero and the game will have a holiday theme.
Ooops! Screens and GIFs from Capcom and Microsoft’s as of yet unannounced Dead Rising 4 have popped up a day early. Presumably the game was to be revealed tomorrow morning at Microsoft’s E3 press conference, but courtesy of a poster named Gwyn on NeoGaf, they’re here a day early.
Neither Microsoft nor Capcom have confirmed the legitimacy of these screens, but to say they look convincing would be an understatement. Several other aspects of Microsoft’s E3 2016 press conference have also leaked, to which they have tragicomically responded “\_(ツ)_/¯“.
From the looks of the screens, the game will be elaborating on the wacky nature of Dead Rising 3. From what the screens show, there’s the good ol’ classic chainsaw, some sort of power armor, and a Thor-ish thunder axe with a devastating AOE lighting attack.
As for the protagonist in the screens, that looks an awful lot like everyone’s favorite war reporter, Frank West, confirming rumors from earlier this week. Looks like Nick Ramos might be taking a back seat on this one.
We’ll update this post with any new information about Dead Rising 4 tomorrow during Microsoft’s E3 Presentation.
Check out the leaked shots below: