Daddy’s Home 2 is the hilarious and heartwarming sequel to the film Daddy’s Home, which is a story of two fathers coming together to raise their children in an unconventional way. Brad (Will Ferrell) and Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) combine their Christmases into one big celebration. But as things are going swimmingly, their fathers show up for the holidays and chaos ensues.
Brad’s father (John Lithgow ), sweet-natured and endearing, must get along with Dusty’s (Mel Gibson ) macho man of a father. With the two fathers in the mix, it stirs up old drama and creates more Christmas tension. The seemingly perfect duo must now put their friendship to the test and stick it out the holidays with their fathers.
The movie will have fans laughing the night away, but the gag reel is what will keep fans laughing. The blooper reel proves that things are definitely funnier when you’re not supposed to be laughing. Will Ferrell goes back to his SNL days, improving when a scene doesn’t go quite as planned. And macho guy Gibson gets the scare of his life.
Daddy’s Home 2 is out now on Digital and will be available on Blu-Ray and DVD February 20. The gag reel is included as part of the special features in the Digital and Blu-ray release.