Cult of Chucky is the seventh installment in the Child’s Play franchise. By now, the series should be on its last legs. But creator Don Mancini has managed to keep the franchise fresh and fun in every entry. The last film was a return to form for the series and also a real love letter to fans. Now, Cult of Chucky promises to continue that film’s story while bringing some new twists to the killer doll, who first debuted in Child’s Play back in 1988.
Check out the trailer!
If you need a little more gore in your Cult of Chucky trailer, go check out the red-band trailer for a few more red-stained shots. Mancini has promised that Cult of Chucky will be the goriest entry in the franchise. I know that will make some fellow horror-hounds happy.
Army of Chucky?
The film picks up a few years after Curse of Chucky and follows Nica (Fiona Dourif) as she recuperates in a mental institution. She’s been convinced that her family’s murder wasn’t carried out by Chucky. Well, surprise! That little rascal is back in the mix and will be making life miserable for Nica once again.
It also looks like we’ll follow up with Andy (Alex Vincent), the original protagonist of the first three films who made a surprise appearance at the end of Curse of Chucky. Exactly how he’ll play into the story remains to be seen. Same goes for Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly), Chucky’s girlfriend and cohort since Bride of Chucky.
But the real kicker is the potential of multiple Chucky dolls running around! Mancini has mentioned that this idea has been gestating since his original script idea for the first film. It’s a concept that seems too good to go to waste. After all, dolls can be mass produced. Hopefully, this trailer teasing two Chucky dolls is just that: a tease. Even though it’s fantastic that the series has stuck with a lot of practical effects, using some CG to give us a horde of Chuckys would make this fan very happy.
Cult of Chucky hits all the home media on October 3.