UPDATE: Not only does Josh Duhamel voice Sergeant Pierson in Call of Duty: WW2, he’s an outspoken fan of the game in real life. When IGN asked the actor about a potential movie franchise, the actor questioned how necessary that would be. “Why would they need a movie?” Duhamel said. “The story is just as compelling as any movie they could make. The writing, the way they directed it, the amount of detail in every scene… You couldn’t even compare it to anything in the video game.”
See if FANDOM agrees with Josh Duhamel’s assessment by reading our review here.
ORIGINAL STORY: The new COD game, Call of Duty: WWII has been officially unveiled today, and there’s a ton of news out there for the game. We know the release date, we got our first long look at the trailer, and some deeper details about the lengthy campaign. That includes the cast who’ll be acting out its tale of “unbreakable brotherhood” that includes Transformer star Josh Duhamel. You can see him a little in the first trailer before…
Yes, that’s Josh Duhamel in there as a rather rough officer on the US side. Duhamel is probably most famous for playing a modern day soldier in the Transformers live action films. Though Josh’s character in Call of Duty: WWII‘s campaign seems like more of a jerk than William Lennox in the Transformers-verse, but perhaps there’s a secret to his gruff demeanor.
In the official reveal stream, the team discussed Josh’s character, including a rough punch Josh had to take from another actor over multiple filmings. Check out their friendly chat below.
The campaign is set in the European theater of World War II, primarily during 1944 and 1945, with Duhamel playing an American soldier who commands the protagonist during the story. Duhamel’s is just one of many characters you’ll meet throughout a story that will also include soldiers from many Allied countries and even some of the French Resistance that the US soldiers teamed up with after the invasion of Normandy.
With all those other characters we’ve yet to meet, one wonders if the cast has more famous faces that’ll be appearing next to Josh Duhamel. The previous Call of Duty titles have featured Keifer Sutherland, Gary Oldman, and even David Hasselhoff, so who know what other stars we’ll see in this return to World War II. We’ll keep an eye out for more famous added to the game and update this article as soon as we know.