Get Your First (Awesome!) Look at Cable in ‘Deadpool 2’

Drew Dietsch
Movies Marvel
Movies Marvel

We’ve been dying to see what Cable is going to look like in Deadpool 2, and Ryan Reynolds has once again delivered the goods. The Merc with a Mouth himself tweeted out the pics and we’re going absolutely bonkers over them.

Feast your hungry peepers on these glamour shots of Wade Wilson’s straight man sidekick. They are going to make your day.

Love how Cable is shushing the camera. He’s probably going to be telling Deadpool to shut up quite a lot. But check out this badass shot of Cable sporting his superior ammunition.

Leaping Right Off the Comic Book Page

These are an absolute treat for comic book fans. Cable is a notoriously over-the-top character when it comes to his design, and Deadpool 2 doesn’t look like it’s shying away from that. Cable is loaded with pouches and extra weaponry galore. It’s very reminiscent of his original appearance.

cable x-men
Art by Rob Liefeld

If I had one complaint, it’s that Brolin’s Cable doesn’t have quite as beefy a cyborg arm as I’d like. Maybe that’s due to me sinking way too many hours into Marvel vs. Capcom 2 so it’s not a real criticism. There’s definitely a Terminator 2 vibe with the take on the character in Deadpool 2, and that seems like the right way to go. Expect Deadpool to be making some Arnie jokes at Cable’s expense.

The best thing about this reveal is Cable’s unbelievably huge rifle. The character is infamous for packing a whole lot of ridiculously enormous firepower. Here’s hoping that we’ll see some more cartoonishly large weaponry as we see more of the character.

Deadpool 2 has been doing a great job with parsing out first looks through Twitter and keeping fans pumped for the film. Hopefully, we’ll be getting a full trailer sooner rather than later. Deadpool 2 will hit theaters June 1 next year. Why does that seem so far away? With the reveals that we’ve been getting, this is a movie we’re ready to see yesterday.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at