Box Office: ‘Zootopia’ Fends ‘Cloverfield’ Off

Nick Nunziata

The furry event film Zootopia maintained its grip on the box office, pulling in an estimated $50,000,000 in its second weekend and representing a truly low 33.4% drop from the previous weekend. That is an astonishing low drop and it bodes well for Disney’s fantastic little flick. Anything under fifty percent is good news. Deadpool did what Deadpool does, raking in another $10,000,000 and scoffing at all the shiny new offerings in the theater like second-rate henchmen. Director Tim Miller has to feel really proud of what he’s done with the film. Riding a wave of excellent reviews 10 Cloverfield Lane was a success with a very hearty intake of an estimated $25,200,000. Though its budget before its aggressive ad campaign hasn’t been publicly shared it’s safe to assume the movie will be in the black really soon. Whether the film has legs is to be determined but a pat on the back has to be given for everyone involved in that little stealth attack of a movie.

There’s no kind way to summarize what happened to Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Brothers Grimsby without colorful metaphors. It got curb-stomped. The other smaller releases all did moderate business but it was all about the top two releases this weekend.

A few tidbits from the numbers:

  • The Revenant is about to break $180,000,000 at the box office and is Leonardo DiCaprio’s biggest box office hit that doesn’t involve icebergs.
  • Based on the current $38,850,052 take for London Has Fallen, it’s likely most cities can relax. The risk of any of them falling has been reduced to just about zero.
  • The people who defended Gods of Egypt‘s laughable domestic box office citing a robust foreign market can zip it up: the film has a wordwide tally less than $80,000,000.

The Numbers Game

I’ve added a little fun to the box office report. A little guessing game. Let’s see how close we can get to guessing the correct box office numbers for the movies opening next week.

Last Week:

10 Cloverfield Lane
My Guess: $28,500,000
Actual: $25,200,000
Result: Nice work if I may say so.

The Brothers Grimsby
My Guess: $11,000,000
Actual: $3,150,000
Result: Oof.

This week:

The Divergent Series: Allegiant


The middle-tier YA series is losing steam but probably not enough to keep it from making a big dent in the box office. Whether it has the grit to win the weekend is up for grabs, but it’ll at least, give Zootopia and 10 Cloverfield Lane a run for their money. Then again, Deadpool is not to be counted out.

My guess: $17,500,000


Midnight Special


Jeff Nichols’ 80’s-style independent science fiction film arrives and with a great deal of critical goodwill. While it’s unfair to expect a blockbuster to be borne from such substantial but deeper ore, it’d be nice to see it get a fair bit of business.

My guess: $8,500,000


See you next week!

Source: Box Office Mojo


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Nick Nunziata
Nick Nunziata created