The Overwatch Anniversary Event, launched to celebrate the game’s first birthday, is still running and offers fans the opportunity to nab themselves some exclusive stuff via the Overwatch Loot Box system.
However, ever since developer Blizzard launched the Anniversary Event, fans have been complaining about the limited time that they were given to grind for the 11 new Legendary Skins. In fact, even with nearly non-stop play, people said it was nearly impossible to get all of them – and even if you bought the Overwatch Loot Boxes with real money.
Well, it seems you’ve shouted loud and regularly enough to get the attention of Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan. He’s published a special blog post on the topic and promises that the team over at Blizzard is aware of fan feedback:
“I just wanted to acknowledge that we’ve been following the threads about the loot box rewards as they pertain to the anniversary events, other events and loot boxes in general,” said Kaplan. “The feedback and suggestions have been helpful to us. We had a really great discussion yesterday about the feedback we’ve been hearing this week. While I don’t have any immediate action items to report, I thought it was important for you to know that we are listening.
“Please feel free to continue your discussions about rewards, loot boxes, and anniversary cosmetic items in this thread. I’ll ask the forum moderators to route all discussion on the topic to this thread.
“Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.”
Unfortunately, he doesn’t actually share any specific solutions to the Overwatch Loot Box issues, but no doubt we’ll get an update soon.
After all, Blizzard reacted incredibly well to the complaints following the Overwatch Summer Games, where you weren’t allowed to buy event items at all. The policy has since been changed directly as a response to fan criticism.