In a just-released featurette for Blade Runner 2049, Harrison Ford compares reprising his role of Rick Deckard to “trying on old clothes.”
“Luckily, they still fit,” the veteran actor joked.
It’s been 35 years since Ford played Deckard, a Los Angeles police officer tasked with tracking down and “retire” replicants. These specialized cops are known as blade runners.
“The story, the themes, the stunning visual environments; It was a pleasure getting back to the world of Blade Runner again,” Ford says of the sequel, which opens this fall.
Revelatory New Footage
The video also provides and extended look at Deckard’s first meeting with Officer K, played by Ryan Gosling.
Gosling’s character enters an abandoned casino (Korean characters word for the word “luck” are seen emblazoned on the windows at the entrance), walking through an art deco lobby, spinning a roulette table, and striking a piano key before Deckard emerges, gun in hand, declaring, “I had your job once.”
A new scene shows a captured Deckard being transported to an unknown destination by Sylvia Hoeks’ yet unidentified character.
“Where are we going?” Deckard asks.
“Home,” she replies.
Hoeks is seen in other scenes with Jared Leto’s character Wallace, who may have ties to the Tyrell Corporation, the company that manufactured replicants in the first film. Could this be a nod to decades-long fan speculation that Deckard himself is a replicant?
Additional behind-the-scenes footage reveal several landscapes in more dramatic detail, including a snowy industrial area and an arid wasteland.
“I could never have imagined how iconic it would still be,” original Blade Runner director Ridley Scott says.
Denis Villeneuve, who took over directing duties for 2049, agrees, saying, “Blade Runner revolutionized the way we view science fiction.”
Fans will have to wait until October 6, 2017 to see Villeneuve’s update on Scott’s groundbreaking film.