Zack Snyder Releases Batman V Superman V Star Wars Mashup Trailer

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Any Star Wars fan is counting the days till Rogue One. And those days can now be counted on your two hands, with less than a week until the film is released. Meanwhile, DC fans are counting down the months until Wonder Woman comes out with this next film in the DC Cinematic Universe set for release in June next year. So, what happens when you mash the Star Wars and DC fandoms together? Zack Snyder, the director of nearly every DC film thus far, answers that question in the new mashup trailer Dark Side Knight v Superjedi: Dawn of the Allegiance.

What Just Happened?

There are some pretty good fan trailers out there, but this one has to top that list. But, considering Zack has access to everything he could ever need to create this thing, it’s probably unfair to compare.

What’s interesting is that this trailer gives a hint of what side Zack is on in the Batman v Superman duel as giving anyone a green lightsaber means they are most likely your personal pick. Batman seems to be with the dark side on this one, wielding a double-bladed red lightsaber, while Supes has the green lightsaber.


Our two Jedi weren’t the only Star Wars mashes in this film. Listen carefully as you can hear several Star Wars noises interchanged throughout the trailer. Look to the skies as some of your favorite Star Wars ships make appearances.

Snyder’s Other Mashups

C3P0 batman

This wasn’t the first time Zack Snyder has mashed up superheroes with a galaxy far far away. You may remember a similar combo from 2014. Unlike Dark Side Knight v Superjedi, this one was a two-sided effort with Zack and J.J. Abrams pulling the shots. Taking place on Twitter, it involved several photoshopped images that combined Star Wars and Batman V Superman. From the C3Ped Crusader to Batman and R2bin, it seems like DC and Star Wars blend pretty nicely together.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters on December 16. Make sure to clear your calendar for this year’s most anticipated film!