Batman – The Telltale Series is the latest video game from the storytellers at Telltale Games. They’ve created an entirely new take on the Caped Crusader, focusing on a younger Bruce Wayne, still new to the cowl.
Episode 4, “Guardian of Gotham” — the fourth of five episodes — launched today, and we’ve got five virtual copies of the season pass to give away! The season pass will immediately unlock each new episode as they become available.
For your chance to win, simply visit this thread on the DC Database and answer the following question:
What’s your favorite Batman comic series?
We’ll be giving away more season passes with each new episode, so be sure to check back on Fandom often for more chances to win.
Content Rules:
To enter, leave an answer to the question posed above in the designated giveaway Discussion thread on the DC Database. Only one entry per user will count toward the giveaway, but feel free to comment as much as you want! At 10 a.m. PT on Nov. 29, five winners will be randomly chosen from the pool of eligible entries for that week’s question. The winners will be contacted via email. The winners will receive a Steam download code for a Batman – The Telltale Series season pass on PC.