Batman – The Telltale Series wraps up its first season today with the launch of Episode 5, City of Light, making now the time to jump in and “binge play” the entire season. Developer Telltale Games has pushed the Batman franchise in exciting new directions by focusing as much on Bruce Wayne as Batman and developing a rich set of connections between the characters who populate Gotham. Check out the season preview for a sneak peek at how this all plays out:
Check out the season preview for a sneak peek at how this all plays out:
To celebrate the season finale, we’re giving away 15 copies of the Batman – The Telltale Series season pass, which grants you immediate access to all five episodes in the season. Telltale’s narrative-driven games are intuitive even for those who don’t consider themselves avid gamers, so if you’re a fan of the Caped Crusader and inventive storytelling, this is the contest for you.
To enter, simply enter your email address into the form below:
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To enter, input your email address into the form above. Only one entry per user will count toward the giveaway. At 10 a.m. PT on January 4, 15 winners will be randomly chosen from the pool of eligible entries. The winners will be contacted via email. The winners will receive a Steam download code for a Batman – The Telltale Series season pass on PC.