Ava DuVernay will direct the movie adaptation of Madeline L’Engle’s fantasy classic, A Wrinkle In Time. DuVernay is best known for directing the Oscar-nominated Selma and for the forthcoming TV series Queen Sugar. By taking the helm of the A Wrinkle in Time movie, she will be the first woman of color to direct a film with a budget in excess of $100 million. Beyond this blockbuster feat, DuVernay frequently advocates for more films produced by, directed by, and starring women of color.
A Wrinkle in Time follows the adventures of the young children of the Murry family. Under the care of mysterious, dimension-hopping beings known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, they hop through time and space to save their youngest brother from the clutches of a sinister force. The time-traveling, space travel, and fantastic creatures are sure to make for a big-budget, family-friendly spectacle.
The Legacy of A Wrinkle in Time
Chelsea Clinton name-dropped A Wrinkle in Time as one of her favorite books during an anecdote about life as a Clinton at the DNC on July 28. As a result, sales of the book skyrocketed on Amazon. It landed in the top 100 best-selling titles at the peak of the craze. A favorite since its publication, L’Engle’s magical book is about to find an audience with a brand new generation of adventure-seeking youngsters.
Even without first-family endorsement, the film has impressive franchise potential owing to the numerous sequels in print. Disney previously adapted Wrinkle in 2003, but it had a much lower budget and received mixed reviews. With Frozen screenwriter and director Jennifer Lee taking on the script and Oprah Winfrey starring as Mrs. Which, it’s apparent Disney is serious about producing a quality adaptation this time.
The successes of the Harry Potter and Hunger Games films have proven the earning potential of film franchises backed by readily available books. A Wrinkle in Time is the first entry in the Time Quintet, and Disney may be inclined to bankroll big-screen adaptations is the first film is successful. Because DuVernay has a track record of championing up-and-coming artists, it’s possible that she will use her influence to open the door for another woman of color looking for the next big break.