‘Arrow’ Quiz: Would Oliver Queen Date You or Incarcerate You?

Maggie Owens
TV Arrowverse
TV Arrowverse

It can be a thin, thin line separating love and hate, and no one knows that better than everybody’s favorite vigilante and heartthrob, Oliver Queen. The amorous archer doesn’t feel lightly about anything or anyone; he’s much too passionate. He either loves you (Team Ollicity for life!), hates you (cough cough, every villain ever) or a little bit of both (remember the Huntress?).

So, what is it — Cupid’s Arrow or a deadly arrow to the chest? Will you be crowned Queen’s queen or are you just another pawn who has failed Starling City? Take this quiz to find out.

Maggie Owens
By day, I'm a content analyst here at FANDOM. By night, I'm still on FANDOM, reading about whatever TV and movies I can.