American Idol changed television when it premiered back in June 2002. The show was an instant hit, thanks in part to the big voice and just plain adorableness of eventual first-season winner Kelly Clarkson.
Now, the series is off the air, but Idol is about to stage a comeback. A new season is set to premiere on ABC sometime during 2017 or 2018.
There’s no official word on who might host — Ryan Seacrest just landed a new gig on Live — but we have heard a rumor that Kelly Clarkson might be coming back as one of the judges.
We won’t know for a minute if Kelly will be back in the Idol spotlight, but we’re happy to hear the show’s returning. That said, we’re pretty sure American Idol will never top Clarkson’s epic first-season win. Here’s why…
Kelly Clarkson has the biggest voice.
Kelly Clarkson has the absolute biggest voice of anyone who’s ever appeared on American Idol. Don’t believe it? Check out the amazing performances in the clip above. Kelly’s voice is more epic than any other singer who ever appeared on the original show — yes, even Carrie Underwood — and we can’t imagine anyone topping her on the new series.
Kelly Clarkson is the most hilarious.
You can’t go on YouTube and search for “Kelly Clarkson” without seeing dozens of fan-made videos celebrating Kelly’s hilariousness. Hint: That’s because she’s really funny. In the clip above you can see Kelly handling her goof-ups in hysterical style.
Kelly Clarkson waited a lifetime (just one season, really) for a moment like this.
Oh my god! I’m not crying, you’re crying. Actually, the only thing that will prevent you from being reduced to a puddle of joyful tears when watching Kelly’s winning American Idol moment is the momentary distraction of Paula Abdul and her awkward penguin clapping. Seriously, why is that happening? Still, it doesn’t mar the moment that proves without a doubt that there will never be another American Idol winner as good as Kelly Clarkson.