Is ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ on Netflix for Kids?

C.Sean Piereman
TV Streaming
TV Streaming Netflix

SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers from Season 1 of Netflix’s Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. Proceed with caution.

Given the saturation of mature themes in media, can family audiences count on a mere TV-PG rating to prepare streamers for the full context of adult situations explored within a popular young adult book-based TV series? In accordance with FCC guidelines, Netflix’s Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (ASOUE) can contain material that parents or guardians may find inappropriate for younger children, meaning “mild to moderate profanity, some sexual content, suggestive dialogue and/or violence.”

ASOUE follows the journey of three orphans beset by a villainous and questionable relation seeking their inheritance — not a lighthearted premise. The word “unfortunate” is in its very title, suggesting upsetting content. And the theme song that introduces each episode literally warns viewers to “look away” and avoid this disturbing tale.

Below are moments several moments from the series when viewers may have experienced alarm and apprehension.

Count Olaf Backhands a Kid in the Face (Season 1, Episode 1)

Unfortunate Events Season 1 Neil Patrick Harris
Klaus Baudelaire is confronted by Count Olaf.

Arguably the most striking display (pun intended) of physical violence happens in the very first episode. After the death of their parents and the destruction of their home, the Baudelaire children find themselves under the legal guardianship of Count Olaf, a fortune-seeking relation who reduces them to servants. After serving dinner, Klaus, the second oldest Baudelaire, decides to stand up to Olaf after feeling mistreated. But when reminding Olaf that their inheritance is untouchable (even to purchase themselves additional beds), the boy is struck for undermining The Count in front of his henchmen.

A Baby is Caged, Bound and Gagged (Season 1, Episode 2)

You're in danger, girl!

In an attempt to gain control of the Baudelaire fortune, Count Olaf imprisons the youngest Baudelaire, Sunny, in order to blackmail her sister Violet, the oldest, into participating in a marriage ceremony. Not only is she caged, Sunny’s mouth is taped, her body bound, and the cage precariously suspended from a high roof.

A Knife is Thrown at a Child (Season 1, Episode 3)

Count Olaf (in-disguise as Stephano) threatens the Baudelaire children.

When the orphans are placed with a better guardian, Count Olaf appears in disguise as a servant. The costume fails to fool the Baudelaires and they run from him after he threatens them with a knife. Olaf throws the blade in anger at Klaus as they barricade themselves in their new guardian’s Reptile Room.

A Caring Guardian is Killed (Season 1, Episode 4)

Dr. Montgomery is murdered.

Dr. Montgomery is introduced as a loving old friend of the deceased Baudelaire parents and is dedicated to the well-being of their children. He’s also a member of their secret organization. After a full episode that endears viewers to the character, false hopes for the orphans’ good fortune are quickly dashed when they stumble upon his lifeless body. Fang marks pierce his cheek and venom flows through his veins. The shocking image suggests a violent death.

A Caring Guardian Becomes Leech Food (Season 1, Episode 6)

Count Olaf (in disguise as Captain Sham) and Aunt Josephine share tea.

The next caretaker in line to look after the Baudelaire orphans is their once “fierce and formidable” Aunt Josephine. Josephine is now afraid of everything and resides near a cliff over-seeing Lake Lachrymose, home of the Lachrymose Leeches. The audience says goodbye to her when she falls into a swarm of hungry leeches after being pushed over the side of a boat by Count Olaf in disguise as “Captain Sham.” It’s another jarring death from Unfortunate Events.

Dr. Georgina Orwell feeling the heat.

A Wronged Villain Falls into Fire (Season 1, Episode 8)

Another character meets an abrupt end when the children journey to the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in order to find answers to questions about their late parents. In this instance, Dr. Georgina Orwell, a felonious former fling of Count Olaf, falls into a fiery furnace. She also almost carries Sunny Baudelaire to her death before releasing the baby after being surprised.

Honorable Mentions

Season 1, Episode 1: After an enjoyable day the beach at the behest of their parents’ wishes, the children are approached by a stranger and informed that their loving parents have died in a terrible fire and that they are now orphans.

Season 1, Episode 2: Gustav, another member of their parents’ secret of the organization and supporter of the Baudelaire orphans behind the scenes, is shot in the neck with a blow dart and falls back presumably dead into a garden pond.

Season 1, Episode 3: Baby Sunny finds herself wrapped by a large adult snake called “The Incredibly Deadly Viper,” which flicks its tongue at her like she’s its prey.

Season 1, Episode 8: Phil, an optimist and Lucky Smells Lumbermill worker, has his leg completely flattened during a machinery incident caused by a hypnotized Klaus, but survives and maintains a positive attitude.

C.Sean Piereman
Sean grew up watching as many movies as possible at least twice and playing games on the original NES and early PCs. Now he's attracted to anything fantastical with a great story especially Adventure & RPG games, Horror & Sci-Fi movies, TV Animation & Comedies, and Fantasy or Dark Humor books.